St. Antoninus Church
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 (map) .
Phone : 973-623-0258. Email : [email protected]
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 (map) .
Phone : 973-623-0258. Email : [email protected]
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TENT REVIVAL IN THE HOLY SPIRIT MAY 17-19, 2024 To continue reading - Go back up (top right)
TENT REVIVAL IN THE HOLY SPIRIT (Life in the Spirit Seminar) May 17-19, 2024 Friday, May 17 6pm to 9:30pm Saturday, May 18 8am to 9:00pm -Sunday, May 19 Pentecost Mass 10 am All meals provided Child care available See flyer below: “ I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly “ John 10:10 On Friday and Saturday, May 17 & 18, we will meet in a large tent in the parking lot, where we will have lively praise & worship, anointed preaching & inspiring testimonies, a penance service, uplifting fellowship and more! On Saturday evening , we will process from the tent and move to the Lower Church for our Pentecost Eucharistic "Upper Room" Vigil. This is the time when we will pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for all those attending the Tent Revival. Then on Sunday, PENTECOST, the Tent Revival participants are invited to join the Sunday 10am Pentecost Mass. The Life in the Spirit Seminars will prepare us for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit ( "Baptism in the Holy Spirit") as in a NEW Pentecost. We are preparing for PENTECOST SUNDAY on May 28 (10 am Mass at St Antoninus) Continue below: |
There is always something more!
√ Inspirational preaching
√ Holy Mass
√ Eucharistic Adoration
√ Praise & Worship
√ Healing prayers
√ Penance Service
√ Preparation for Baptism of the Holy Spirit
√ Inspirational preaching
√ Holy Mass
√ Eucharistic Adoration
√ Praise & Worship
√ Healing prayers
√ Penance Service
√ Preparation for Baptism of the Holy Spirit
What is a Catholic Tent Revival at St Antoninus?
It is a Life in the Spirit Seminar that takes place in a large tent in our parking, over Friday night to Saturday night, into Pentecost Sunday!. (May 26-28).
Besides our uplifting Eucharistic adoration, Praise & Worship & grace-filled moments together, we will be fed by preaching from the five basic lessons of a Life in the Spirit Seminar: God's Love, Salvation, New Life, Receiving God's Gift and Preparng for Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
Why have this in a tent and not in the church building?
Because this is an opportunity to we make our faith to be more visible, more accessible to the outside "in the streets", especially for those in our neighborhood .
Who is the Tent Revival for? Why is it a tool for evangelization?
It is for all of us, specifically for those who have not yet been to a Life in the Spirit Seminar (LSS) , but also for anyone in general who needs a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in his/her life, even if they have been to several LSS in the past. This it is not only for us, but an invitation to our family , friends, neighbors, colleagues, anyone who may want to have a closer relationship with Jesus. Please pass this "sign up" website link to them: Simply invite - God will do the rest! |
What is the purpose of this Tent Revival in the Holy Spirit?
The goal of any Life in the Spirit Seminar is very simple. This is help us find a new and fuller and better life as Christians by laying or strengthening the foundation of a truly Christian life.
“No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor 3:11). Through anointed preaching and vibrant praise and worship, and uplifting fellowship, we seek to help ourselves and as many people as possible to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ and to open their hearts to a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Just before His ascension to the Father, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit upon us to guide the disciples (us!) and empower us to live the Christian life and to give testimony to others about what He has done for us.
" The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you." John 14: 26
Why do we need to receive the Holy Spirit to give witness to Jesus?
The goal of any Life in the Spirit Seminar is very simple. This is help us find a new and fuller and better life as Christians by laying or strengthening the foundation of a truly Christian life.
“No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor 3:11). Through anointed preaching and vibrant praise and worship, and uplifting fellowship, we seek to help ourselves and as many people as possible to encounter the Lord Jesus Christ and to open their hearts to a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Just before His ascension to the Father, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit upon us to guide the disciples (us!) and empower us to live the Christian life and to give testimony to others about what He has done for us.
" The Advocate, the holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name—he will teach you everything and remind you of all that [I] told you." John 14: 26
Why do we need to receive the Holy Spirit to give witness to Jesus?
"You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses… to the ends of the earth". (Acts 1:4)
The Holy Spirit renews us, teaches us and transforms us, filling our hearts with such a love for Jesus that we long to share this love with as many people as possible. We are so transformed by His grace that we cannot be silent. When our hearts are renewed by God’s grace, we long to bless and serve those who are in need. This is the mission of our parish. This is the mission of our Tent Revival! |
What if I am hurting and feeling unworthy or far from the Lord due to my sins and failures? During our Tent Revival, our prayer and healing teams will be available for ministry in the privacy of the OLG chapel throughout the entire weekend. On Saturday night, we will have a Penance Service with confessions with multiple priests. All this is focused on helping us to have a life changing experience of the love, mercy and renewed hope in Jesus Christ- no matter whatever life circumstances we may have. |
The Charismatic Roots of St Antoninus Church & Life in the Spirit Seminar
Since 1975, St. Antoninus has been a major center of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. At that time there was a great transformation of this parish. From a dwindling parish of a handful people coming to Sunday Mass, St Antoninus became a community of worshippers whose powerful encounter with Jesus became a lightning rod that moved hearts to reach out and evangelize to the many who are lost and hurting, to those who are looking for Jesus and do not even know it.
As Fr Joseph Meagher, our pastor said: " Our deepest desire is that every person might come to experience the 'Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father' - so that we may further the work of the kingdom of God through the power of that Name.' Every ministry or event here is somehow beginning and ending with this. We are passionately Catholic, joyfully charismatic and ethnically rich in diversity. "
Over many years, we have held two Life in the Spirit Seminars every year: the weekend one in the Spring (Tent Revival) and a 9- week Life in the Spirit Seminar during the Fall. Each one uniquely brings the Gospel message of salvation, life in Christ, fellowship and mission.
The Life in the Spirit Seminars are our major evangelization opportunity for our church to reach out to our neighborhood and beyond.
Since 1975, St. Antoninus has been a major center of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. At that time there was a great transformation of this parish. From a dwindling parish of a handful people coming to Sunday Mass, St Antoninus became a community of worshippers whose powerful encounter with Jesus became a lightning rod that moved hearts to reach out and evangelize to the many who are lost and hurting, to those who are looking for Jesus and do not even know it.
As Fr Joseph Meagher, our pastor said: " Our deepest desire is that every person might come to experience the 'Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father' - so that we may further the work of the kingdom of God through the power of that Name.' Every ministry or event here is somehow beginning and ending with this. We are passionately Catholic, joyfully charismatic and ethnically rich in diversity. "
Over many years, we have held two Life in the Spirit Seminars every year: the weekend one in the Spring (Tent Revival) and a 9- week Life in the Spirit Seminar during the Fall. Each one uniquely brings the Gospel message of salvation, life in Christ, fellowship and mission.
The Life in the Spirit Seminars are our major evangelization opportunity for our church to reach out to our neighborhood and beyond.