St. Antoninus Church
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 (map) .
Phone : 973-623-0258. Email : [email protected]
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 (map) .
Phone : 973-623-0258. Email : [email protected]
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Fill in form below. Join our weekend Life in the Spirt Seminar, whether for the first time or for continuing renewal. What is a
LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINAR? In his discourse at the Last Supper, Jesus made a promise to his disciples: “I will pray to the Father and he will give you another Counselor, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of Trust, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him; you know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.” (Jn 14:16-17) Jesus knew that when he was no longer on earth, his disciples would not be able to live the kind of lift he had called them to by their own strength and ability. He knew that Christians would need a supernatural source of strength, that they would need the strength and power of God himself. So he promised t his disciples the very Spirit of God, and on Pentecost that Spirit came down upon them, to remain with the Christian people forever. The lives of the disciples were radically transformed by the Holy Spirit: they were able to preach the Gospel of Jesus in boldness and power, their words wee accompanied by signs and wonders, they drew together to live in new communities, united in one mind and one heart. Today, Christians are rediscovering the power that Jesus gives his people through the Holy Spirit. They are discovering the power to live together in love and peace, to heal the sick and comfort the afflicted, and to worship God with new and abundant praise. Above all, they are discovering a deeper and more personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their very own Lord and Savior. The power of the Holy Spirit has made such a vital and tangible change in their lives that more and more people can see that power at work and begin to desire this new life for themselves. Everywhere, people are coming alive to the new life in the Spirit, and they want to find out more about that life, they want to discover a new relationship with Jesus. The Life in the Spirit Seminars are designed as an introduction to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit. They provide an opportunity for people to find out more about that life, and to be helped in taking the first steps of a new relationship with the Lord. For those who are not Christians at all, they can serve as an introduction to Christianity and a time to make a first commitment to Jesus Christ. For those who are already Christians, they offer help in finding a fuller release of the Holy Spirit to live a deeper Christian life. The seminars are a series of talks and discussions which take place over a period of seven weeks. In the fifth week of the seminar, there is an opportunity for people to be prayed with to be baptized in the Holy Spirit. The four weeks before that time are devoted to an explanation of the basic Christian message of salvation and of what it means to be baptized in the Spirit. During the final two weeks, the teaching is oriented towards further growth in the life of the spirit. THE SEMINARS Seminar 1: God’s Love Seminar 2: Salvation Seminar 3: The New Life Seminar 4: Receiving God’s Gift Seminar 5: Praying for Baptism in the Holy Spirit Seminar 6: Growth (Sunday, May 26 ) Seminar 7: Transformation in Christ ( Sunday, June 2 ) But more than a series of courses or lectures, the Life in the Spirit Seminars are a chance for Christians who have found a fuller life in the Holy Spirit to come together with people who want to know more about that life, to share with them, and to help them take the firs steps of a new life themselves. The Life in the Spirit Seminars have a very limited and specific goal. They are designed to be only the beginning, only he first step in a completely new way of life. For people to continue to grow and develop in this new life they need to come together with others who are living this same way to receive support and further teaching. For this reason, the seminars should be presented in the context of a Christian community or prayer group where people are already living the life in the Spirit together. People completing the seminars should be brought into the life of these groups where they can receive the guidance and support they will need to go on with their new life. GOAL The goal of the Life in the Spirit Seminars is very limited. They are designed to help people find a new and fuller and better life as Christians by laying or strengthening the foundation of a truly Christian life. “No other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” (1 Cor 3:11). The seminars, then, are concerned with the most basic part of Christian life: establishing a person in Christ. To accomplish that goal, there are four things the Life in the Spirit Seminars try to do. SUMMARY LIFE IN THE SPIRIT SEMINARS GOAL: 1. To help those who come to the seminars establish or re-establish or deepen a personal relationship with Christ; 2. To help those who come to the seminars to yield to the action of the Holy Spirit in their lives so that they can begin to experience his presence and can begin to experience him working in them and through them; 3. To help those who come to the seminars be joined to Christ more fully be becoming part of a community or a group of Christians with whom they can share their Christian life and from whom they can receive support in that life; 4. To help them begin to make use of effective means of growth in their relationship with Christ. from: |
Tent Revival in the Holy Spirit (Life in the Spirit Seminar) May 17- 19, 2024 On Friday and Saturday, May 17 & 18, we will meet in a very large tent in the parking lot, where we will have lively praise & worship, anointed preaching, penance service and uplifting fellowship. On the evening on Saturday , we will transfer from the tent to the Lower Church and pray for baptism in the Holy Spirit . Then on Sunday, May 19, PENTECOST SUNDAY, at the end of our 10am Sunday Mass, we will pray for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit to receive the most amazing gifts of the Holy Spirit. All we need is an open heart. Come Holy Spirit! Note: Photos shown here are from last year's TENT REVIVAL 2023 |