St. Antoninus Church
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 (map) .
Phone : 973-623-0258. Email : [email protected]
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 (map) .
Phone : 973-623-0258. Email : [email protected]
Below Revised Schedule of Liturgies, Ministries & Events
Schedules for Masses, Adoration, Confessions, Rosary, Scripture Study, Prayer Meetings, Faith Formation
Schedules for Masses, Adoration, Confessions, Rosary, Scripture Study, Prayer Meetings, Faith Formation
@ 10 AM in Person & live-streamed TO ACCESS LIVE-STREAMING ON YOUTUBE Go to or go directly to our channel :
Sunday: 9:00am - 9:45am Church Friday: 11am- 11:45am Rectory Chapel Saturday: 11am- 11:45am 3:30pm- 4:030pm Rectort Chapel or by appointment. Click here for preparation for Confession: EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE PRECIOUS BLOOD ROSARY OF REPARATION
every night at 6:30 pm, ( 7pm on Wednesdays) Conference call To join the conference call, enter thru link on your phone or computer: Access Code: 151-245-877 Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412 Access Code: 151-245-877 Scripture Study with Fr Joseph Joseph
on Tuesdays at 8:15 PM Conference Call on GotoMeeting To join the conference call , e nter thru link on your phone or computer: Access Code: 151-245-877 Or call in number : ( 872)-240-3412 / Access Code: 151-245-877 Temporarily on hold . Resumption to be updated.
Prayer Meeting - Adoration and Praise & Worship led by Ken Julien on Wednesday 8:15 PM (following the Rosary Line) NO in-person at this time Online only- either conference call or live-streamed TO ACCESS LIVE-STREAMING ON YOUTUBE Go to or go directly to our channel : Divine Adoration Prayer Meeting
Saturdays 3pm- 5pm in Lower Church Currently, NO in-person meeting. Dial-in number (US): (978) 990-540 . Access code: 169025# Or: . Enter Meeting ID: divineadoration or Go to Midweek Prayer Meeting: Tuesdays at 7- 8pm Same Conference call links as above. Real Love Ministries